Hillary Clinton says running for office isn't on her "radar," but she still has an eight-person political team and sports two overflowing campaign war chests.
Her team transformed the former Democratic White House contender's massive campaign debts into a $3 million mountain of political cash, according to federal fund-raising records through the end of June.
Clinton's failed presidential bid is now $1 million in the black, and her old Senate campaign committee has $2.1 million in the bank, much of it transferred in from the presidential account.
With his numbers falling faster than a mobster swimming with cement boots on, Hillary is keeping the possiblility of another run at the White House within grasp. I don't blame her Obama's blood is starting to get into the water, and she's looking to take advantage, if given the chance. Her ambition is well-known, and I don't believe for one minute that she ever has taken her eyes off that prize. Obama's "Team of Rivals" are going to implode, if things continue as they have.